Softening the Edges is an artwork using money as a medium.
It is both a socially conscious and societally responsive work.
The actual artwork is a process that begins with a collaboration between a person and the artist and ends with the documentation of the process - which is a framed artwork.
The works began with the collaborator giving 100 notes (R10s,) - their choice. And then the artist rounds the corners of each note - softens the edges.
The notes are given back to the collaborator who then hands them out, one at a time, to people on the street that are asking for money - including car guards, people who load your shopping into your car, beggars etc. Thereby softening the edges of that person's day.
The corners of each collaboration are then made into the artwork. With the initials of the collaborator indicating which work is which.

More on Softening the Edges
This work is done in South Africa so if you are South African and want to do it it's easy.
If you are International and want to do it it's a different experience as you can donate the money and choose someone in South Africa to hand them out for you.
If you are interested in collaborating on this work please send a message via CONTACT